So tell me why I should care! In a matter of minutes you can learn to:
Deal with people (ignorant people)
Move ahead of the same old crowd
Make a lifetime investment now worth millions later (and my favorite)
Learn to read minds and best of all, Learn WHAT IT TAKES to be happy in a teenage world
What does it take to become a success? Success means different things to different people. How you define success determines your goals in life - and in order to reach those goals, you need a plan.
Whoever you are, wherever you live, and whatever you do, you can take practical steps toward reaching your desires, better known as goals. Wouldn't it be nice to learn how to be successful for a lifetime? The secret to success is not really a secret at all. It is knowing how to find information and apply knowledge.
The meaning of life according to YOU might include riches, career success, successful relationships, knowledge, power, status, and more. With knowledge you are in charge. With knowledge you can no longer be taken advantage of. With a plan you can achieve any goal you can dream. Six simple steps. Two energizers. You, no matter when you start, no matter what you've been told your capabilities are anyone can take that first step toward that goal. Six steps later you will have the self-confidence to do anything. "Success Is an Attitude, Goal Achievement for a Lifetime" is the reference book for a lifetime.
Get ready to work with a purpose. Get ready to turn off the TV. Get ready to take care of your health, get rid of negative attitudes, and recognize people that don't want you to succeed.
If your goal is to figure out how to get rich quick, save your money and go buy lottery tickets. I wish you luck. For you, time will stand still. You will be living, doing, and achieving the same goals years from now. The same is true if you're greedy. Do you know how much talent, time, and energy, not to mention money, is squandered on temporary or failing scams? I am only interested in showing you how to think and plan smart. If you want to get out of a rut and think the way successful people think, you need to take forty minutes out of your busy schedule and energize your attitude.
What makes me so knowledgeable? I am a pilot for a major airline. OK, big deal. Altogether I've been flying for twenty-six years. I started in college. I'm black, I'm female, and I had a plan. My plan is color-blind, my plan is unisex, and my plan recognizes EVERYONE'S life is full of roadblocks, inconveniences, or bad attitudes. I guess everyone would expect me to whine about how hard it was to achieve one goal after another. Well, surprise! That's not the hard part. The toughest mountain to climb was getting off my butt to do what had to be done. Then, if that wasn't hard enough, I had to stick with it and keep charging forward. The "OFF BUTT / STICK WITH" is a problem ALL people must deal with, not just little black women in nontraditional jobs. Are you hearing me on this? There are so many ready-made reasons out there for not doing what needs to be done. Successful Attitude was created as a forum to seek out and contact young people and people everywhere interested in improving their lives. You can learn how to break down the steps, and make them logical, orderly, and easy to incorporate into your own life.
Now that you are old enough to realize life is not always fair, it's time you learn how to handle situations with dignity and power. Refusing to succumb to these facts of life, makes you a DOER not a whiner or complainer. No excuses available here, only answers. Shy people too, can overcome the power struggle that interferes with goal achievement.
I always tell my family, "Don't say there's something you want to accomplish when I'm around. I will formulate a plan and have you on a regimen in a heartbeat." You want to lose weight? You want to quit smoking? You want me to help? You will lose weight, you will quit smoking, you will hate me! Without your own motivation and determination, however, the weight will return, the cigarette craving will take over, and you will still hate me.
Let me show you how to be your own success story. Inside the front cover of "Success Is An Attitude™" it states, "You now possess: The spark that ignites; the match that generates; the flame that lights; the fire that powers; the engine that CHANGES YOUR LIFE." Give it a try. You know I want you to succeed. Then write to me and tell me how you did. This is your chance to take complete control of your life while achieving status and the respect of others. If you have special difficulties to overcome and you're reading this to improve your life, I COMMEND YOU. Since you will need to extend that extra effort, let me hear from you so I can pitch in and help in any way.


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